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Landlord Shoots Former Resident in Self Defense
DAYTON, Ohio — A local man who was shot yesterday will likely face charges after he pinned his former landlord against an apartment building with his car.
The landlord shot the man twice and struck him at least once and will not face any charges. However the driver of the car will likely face multiple charges of felonious assault.
According to Dayton police, at4:43 p.m. Saturday, the landlord of an apartment complex at 317 N. Smithville Road called police to report that a former resident was trespassing on his property.
In response, the man drove around the interior of the apartment complex, running over grass, knocking over trash cans and a picnic table and nearly striking a few residents.
Afterthe driver ran into a parking post, the landlord tried to take his keys, but he backed his car into the landlord, pinning him against an apartment building.
The landlord, who has a carrier's permit, pulled out his .380-caliber pistol and shot the driver. Read more
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