Gun Values by Gun Digest lists more than 18,000 firearms models dating back to the early 19th century, offering more than 110,000 prices over six condition grades.
- Information from Standard Catalog of Firearms.
- Lists some 18,000 firearms models back to the early 19th century.
- More than 110,000 prices over six condition grades.
- Subscription options from 3-day access to monthly and annual packages.
- Free firearms descriptions and images.
We live to shoot. That pretty much sums up being a gun guy or gal. And few things compare to hours smashing clays or pitching rounds down range. Well, maybe one: getting a new gem to add to your gun safe.
As luck would have it, we live in an absolute golden age of gun selling and buying. With gun stores, auctions, online retail outfits and gun shows seemingly multiplying by the minute, the gun marketplace arms you with nearly unlimited firepower. But with great power, as they say, comes great responsibility. When it comes to making a deal over a gun, you must take the time to avoid a dud, no matter which end of the transaction you’re on.
Just like you’d choose the right rifle and scope to make a 1,000-yard shot, you need to pick the right tools to drop the hammer on a square deal. That requires doing your homework and getting rock-solid pricing from a source you trust. In short, it means turning to a reputable resource such as Gun Values by Gun Digest (GunValues.GunDigest.com).
The Power Of Knowledge
Gun Digest takes its value guides seriously and set out with one purpose in mind regarding Gun Values — design an online gun values resource for serious collectors and retailers … or the enthusiast looking to buy or sell a single gun. Given their demands, any old website would never cut muster. Only high-grade, relevant information would do, which meant turning to the most trusted name in gun pricing and identification.
Those in the know can already guess that means the Standard Catalog of Firearms. The value guide has stood alone as the most comprehensive book of its kind for nearly 30 years. And it’s easy to see why, listing some 18,000 firearms models back to the early 19th century, and offering more than 110,000 prices over six condition grades. On top of that, the prices themselves come from the most trusted sources around — the nation’s biggest and most respected gun stores, auctions and shows.
It’s like a yearly snapshot of exactly what’s happening in the firearms marketplace, and every line item of it is now available at the push of a button at GunValues.GunDigest.com.
And like the Standard Catalog, Gun Values sets itself apart from similar resources with the depth of its information. Far from simply a litany of dry and vague prices, the website features more than 7,500 firearms images, along with detailed descriptions and histories of nearly every model. Amazingly, this vital material is free of charge at the website.
To some, all that extra stuff might sound like overkill. Hardly, given variations in the same model gun can sometimes be measured in hundreds or even thousands of dollars. This identification information is more than pricing: It’s essential to your bottom line. Could you tell the difference between a Grade II and a Grade III Belgium Browning .22 Auto Rifle off the cuff? The wrong answer would cost you nearly $1,600 dollars.
Why Not Just Buy The Standard Catalog?
Of all the things the Standard Catalog of Firearms is, easily portable isn’t one of them. Honestly, who would want to carry that boat anchor around the next gun show?
Convenience, in turn, is where Gun Values really shines. Configured for intuitive use on your home computer, smartphone or tablet, the site is available anywhere and anytime you need gun pricing information. Additionally, it’s not an app, so there’s no worry about having to download anything or eat away at precious memory.
As for ease of use, if you can check your email you can navigate GunValues.GunDigest.com. Either type in the make and model you’re looking for and execute a direct search, or browse an alphabetical list of manufacturers to find your firearm. It doesn’t get much easier than that. Neither does subscribing.
With affordable options from 3-day access to monthly and annual packages, the site has a plan for any budget and need, be you a weekend warrior or a to-the-quick collector. Additionally, the monthly and yearly plans come with no-hassle automatic renewing, so you don’t have to worry about logging in every 30 or 365 days to keep it activated. Of course, this is optional and a subscription can be canceled at any time, no questions asked.
Parting Shot
Like you need a DOPE sheet for precision shooting, you need solid data to hit the mark on a firearms deal. In short, you need to know what a gun is worth from a source you can trust, otherwise, you’re going to miss the mark — maybe big — sooner or later. It’s not worth the risk and doesn’t have to be an option when you load up right with Gun Values by Gun Digest.
Find out your guns values with the Internet's top resource – Gun Values by Gun Digest.

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Do you carry the Gun Values Blue Book of Gun Values 44-45-46 Editions?
My rifle is a Stevens Arms a & I single shot rimfire 22 falling block, 20.5 inch barrel. Blade sights with a folding peep behind the metal. the round barrel changes to Hexagon before the breech. The finish is all original and in good shape. Alamosa Native.