Gun Digest

Darien Man Shot in Brunswick Home Invasion

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BRUNSWICK — A Brunswick man shot an intruder who broke into his apartment late Thursday night, Glynn County police said.

Michael Brown, 22, of Darien, was arrested on armedrobbery and burglary charges after being treated and released for a gunshot wound to the arm at Southeast Georgia Health System’s Brunswick hospital, police Capt. Marissa Tindale said.

Also arrested on identical charges were Thomas Daniels and April McMillan, both 18 and also from Darien, she said.

The three are accused of breaking into a homeoccupied by Keylin Jones, 22, and his girlfriend, Keshuana Lassiter, 23, at Westminister Club Apartments on U.S. 17 North about 11 p.m. Thursday.

Tindale said the victims called police and said someone was breaking into the apartment, and that one intruder already was inside the home. Jones, who was armed with a handgun, shot one of
the men who then fled with others. Read more


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