Given how much you use it, figuring out your dominant hand is a no-brainer. But deducing your dominant eye can be a bit less intuitive.
Since almost all of us use our eyes in concert, the lines are blurred as to which one we favor. But determining which eye is dominant is extremely important, especially when it comes to pistol marksmanship.
Thankfully, figuring out which eye is in charge is a fairly simple task, one that Chris Cheng breaks down in the above video from the National Shooting Sports Foundation.
The Top Shot champion, however, doesn’t stop with a system to help determine your dominant eye. He also gives some solid strategies in how to put this newfound knowledge to good use.
Perhaps the most beneficial information Cheng goes over concerns those that are cross dominant, such a left-hander who has a dominate right eye. But the whole thing is worth a watch no matter which eye you aim with, given the concept is among the bedrock of shooting.
By the way, here is another technique for determine your dominant eye. And when you get a little further down the road, here is a top-notch video on shooting with both eyes open.
The information give was useful.
I also check another crude way of Triangular View – hand method which does the same.
But I felt that there should be some systematic fool proof method for this kind of ONE TIME determination about the shooter himself.
Hence I worked on this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1055954037755824
Please let me know whether the factors that observed are correct and the method used in this video is correct.