Concealed Carry
Concealed carry is a serious responsibility. At Gun Digest, we provide you with the most current and useful information about CCW with the latest news, reviews and tips related to personal defense. When you decide to carry a gun for personal protection, start here to research CCW handguns, handgun drills, handgun shooting, custom handguns, concealed carry holsters and more. Also see: Gun Reviews – Handguns
Latest Concealed Carry Articles
Chicagoans Packing Heat Despite Handgun Ban
Gun instructor John Matuska says a majority of his students are women. He estimates that 150,000 otherwise law-abiding Chicagoans are packing pistols illegally.
Obama Move Would Eliminate 8 of 10 Pocketknives
'If this were to pass and you cross the state line with one, it's a felony.'
Complete History of the CZ-75 and Its Early Clones
Some have said the CZ-75 is the perfect tactical or concealed carry handgun. After you read this article from the 1997 Gun Digest annual book, you might just agree.
U.S. Customs Seeks to Prohibit Assisted Opening Knives
Assisted opening knives could be reclassified as illegal switchblades if a measure proposed by United States Customs and Border Protection becomes law.
State Senate Passes Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act
The State Senate approved legislation today that seeks to combat the destruction of the 10th Amendment of the Constitution by the Federal government in their attempt to infringe upon states' rights.
Gaddy College of Self-Defense
Special Forces veteran Michael Gaddy traveled to Tennessee to train a group of fine folks some essential self-defense tactics. I received an invitation to attend this event, and my ten-hour drive to Tennessee, each way, was well worth the instruction I received. I've done a lot of different types of training, but I knew this was going to be different.
Wisconsin Castle Doctrine and Micro-stamping Hearings Update
Last week, two gun bills had public hearings in Wisconsin - one considering castle doctrine or stand your ground legislation; the other a requirement for guns to possess new microstamping technology.
California Ammo Bill Would Hurt Gun Owners
In California, an anti-ammunition piece of legislation, Assembly Bill 962, passed the state Assembly last week and moved to the state Senate for consideration. If passed, it will impose ammo restrictions and much, much more.
No One Attacked at Michigan Open Carry Picnic
More than 30 people gathered in Bronson Park in Kalamazoo this weekend, packing pistols. It might have been the safest picnic in the state.
Military Bases Registering Soldiers' Guns
Another major U.S. military base is requiring soldiers who live off the premises to provide descriptions, serial numbers, calibers, makes and models of any of the guns they own privately, and do not take onto the premises of the installation.
Sotomayor Needs to Answer For Anti-Gun Views
This week a federal appeals court held that the Second Amendment does not apply to state or city gun laws. Supporters of Judge Sonia Sotomayor incorrectly argue that this affirms her recent gun-control case. Now the NRA is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case, and in doing so heats up the gun-rights issue to potentially become the dominant topic in Sotomayor's confirmation hearings.
NRA Appeals Chicago Ruling to U.S. Supreme Court
Today, the National Rifle Association filed a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of NRA v. Chicago. The Seventh Circuit opinion upholds current bans on the possession of handguns in Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois.
Tennessee House Overrides Veto of Guns in Bars Bill
Tennessee House members voted on Wednesday to override the governor's veto of a bill to allow handguns to be carried in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.
Gun Shows Under Attack in California
SB585 would stop gun shows at the Cow Palace near San Francisco. It would do this not because of any problems with illegal activities at the shows, but because its sponsors don't like guns and think that gun shows send the wrong message.
Olofson: Rehearing in ‘broken gun' Conviction Refused
A terse two-sentence statement from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected a request for a rehearing in a case that defense lawyers say stemmed from a broken rifle that was loaned out and then malfunctioned.
Top “Conservatives” Cover For Sotomayor
Judge Sonia Sotomayor's best defense against firearms owners mobilizing to oppose her U.S. Supreme Court nomination may come from an unlikely source: two top conservatives on the federal bench.
Best Concealed Carry Insurance Options (2024)
Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed.