Since the 1980’s, the Marine Corps has used the M12 nylon pistol holster. But that design is now being replaced. According to the Marine Corps Times, “Officials say they targeted the outdated M12 holster because
so many Marines were paying for modern tactical replacements.”
In the M12’s place, the Corps will now field the Blackhawks SERPA Level 2 Tactical Holster. Deliveries of new holsters “will begin in November, with 27,455 of them distributed by April, according to officials with Marine Corps Systems Command in Quantico, Va. That’s one for every 9mm M9 pistol in the Marine Corps’ inventory. The pistols are typically carried in combat by officers and Marines whose jobs require them to work in confined spaces.”
That choice, though, has raised some concerns. As Marine Corps Times explained, “while the SERPA is more advanced than the M12 nylon holster it will replace, the product has been faulted by some firearm enthusiasts for what they say is a dangerous design flaw that can enable ‘trigger hooking.’
In some cases, if a shooter isn’t careful when drawing the pistol, the trigger finger can slip onto the trigger and squeeze off a round. And that has caused injuries.”
“I would think you would have the same worry regardless of what holster you are using,” said Matt Rice, a Blackhawk spokesman. “With the draw stroke that Blackhawk works on, the finger is supposed to go outside of the trigger guard and line up exactly right when the pistol comes out of the holster.”
Source: Marine Corps Times 9/26/11
What happened to the use of proper carry techniques? The little thing called safety engaged? The issue with this holster is NOT whe used with the issue Beretta, rather with the so called “safe trigger” equipped firearms such as the Glock, that lack an external safety. If a round is discharged on drawing an M9, the firearm is NOT being carried in the proper state to begin with (this is where the term “locked and loaded” comes from). Come on Brian, you should know better than that. Stop making us “cheese heads” look ignorant!