If you are a firearms enthusiast and have access to the internet you've probably heard of the “Radically Invasive Projectile” by now. It's almost been impossible to have missed G2 Research's marketing push for its R.I.P. ammunition, which has involved some pretty bold claims. To add to the mystique of the 9mm round are videos (such as the one above) of it smashing through cinder blocks and drywall before explosively expanding in ballistic gel.
The question is does R.I.P. ammo live up to G2's claim that it's “The Last Round You'll Ever Need”? The guys over at ShootingTheBull.net ran the round through some tests, posted some video of the rigamarole on YouTube and did a write up at TheTruthAboutGuns.com. ShootingTheBull.net's final conclusion about R.P.I. — not junk, but certainly not a showstopper either. Watch the tests below and tell us what you think about the results in comments.
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