James Nowka

James Nowka is the author Prepper's Guide to Natural Disasters. He's spent most of his life preparing for the unexpected, and his experiences make him well-qualified to educate aspiring preppers. His diverse list of survival experiences includes salvage diver, firefighter and rescue specialist, underwater investigator and body recovery diver, security advisor and disaster relief worker (hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Ika and Gustav; earthquake in Haiti).

Disaster Preparedness: Living a Healthy Lifestyle is Key

If you're not living a healthy lifestyle in the first place, how do you expect to survive disasters? A blueprint for healthy living is key to disaster prep.

Why NOT to Prepare for TEOTWAWKI

It doesn't make a lot of sense to make a SHTF plan for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it). Here's why it's important to live, not just survive.

Survival Shelter Plans: It Starts With Your Gut

To get started with making survival shelter plans, follow your gut instincts about what is needed. Plus: A free download on how to make survival shelters.

Emergency Preparedness Checklist: Everyday Carry Gear

Use this emergency preparedness checklist as a template for deciding what everyday carry gear you'll have at the ready for day-to-day situations.

Disaster Preparedness: Are There More Looters Now or Then?

Are looters and looting after a natural disaster a modern phenomenon? Has it gotten worse? Here's a thought-provoking look at looters throughout history.

5 Reasons to Own Survival Firearms

Not convinced survival firearms are a necessary part of preparedness? Here are 5 reasons why survival firearms are indispensable.