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Starbucks Gun Policy Draws Protesters in Denver
Today about 20 protesters gathered outside the Starbucks at 6th and Grant Street urging the company to ban guns inside the coffee shops.
“I used to hold a lot of meetings at Starbucks, but the idea that I might be at risk worries me, I will choose a gun-free place,” said Mary Kershner a registered nurse who advocates for gun safety.
In Colorado, one of many states that allows the “open carry” of fire arms, companies still have the right to ban the practice within their properties.
Starbucks' policy to follow the local law — allowing guns where it is legal outside — is not new, but in recent months, gun rights activists raised attention by gathering for meetings at Starbucks across the country with their guns.
“It's not a Second Amendment issue, it's a public safety issue,” said Marilee Posavec, spokeswoman for the Denver Million Mom March, a local chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
“They don't allow it in their corporate offices, why should they in the stores?” she said. Read more.
Be sure to check out the The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery, 6th Edition by Massad Ayoob. In addition to the tactical aspects of self-defense, Ayoob also covers practical information about selecting a used handgun and the legal aspects of self-defense with a firearm. Learn more