Gun Digest

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1996

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The Gun Digest – 1996

 Table of Contents
Olympics 1996 by Gary L. Anderson 5
Fitz by Glen B. Ruh 12
Switzerland's Feldschiessen by Stephen P. Halbrook 20
The Guns of Williamsburg by Edward R. Crews 27
50 Years of Gun Digest by Gary M. Brown 33
Look What They Can Do To Your Shotgun Barrels! By Don Zutz 81
After 50 Years, Still On Duty by Bob Bell 88
Schuetzen's Back For Sure by Dennis Bruns 92
In Search of Muzzle-Loading Excellence by Robert M. Kearns 97
Charles Newton's Leverbolt by Bruce M. Jennings, Jr. 102
World War II's Snipers and Sniper Rifles by Konrad F. Schreier, Jr. 106
P.O. Ackley's Wildcats by Rob Lucas 113
It's a 775 Rigby by Jim Dickson 136
The Whelen Models: Winchester's Ultimate Lever Guns by Gary M. Brown 140
The Guns of Summer by Pat DePasquale 145
Best Guns Are Made To Shoot by R. J. Robel 150
Collecting Gun Digest by Skip Criner 160
AFTME Is 25 by C. Rodney James 162
Krieghoff's Pre-War Autoloading Rifle by Don Zutz 166
The Big Little Mannlicher-Schoenauer by Don Henry 170
The In-Line Muzzleloader In History by Doc Carlson 177
The Fabulous Martini by Ferdinand Hediger 182
Custom Guns 221
Art of the Engraver 225
Thomas Horsley's Classic by David Baker 229
The Leather Guns of the 17th Century by Gad Rausing 234
Shooting the French 35s by John Malloy 245
Expert Reports '96
The Guns of Europe by Raymond Caranta 133
Rifle Review by Layne Simpson 156
Blackpowder Review by Doc Carlson 206
Handguns Today: Autoloaders by J. B. Wood 209
Handguns Today: Sixguns and Others by Hal Swiggett 213
Shotgun Review by Don Zutz 218
Handloading Update by Larry S. Sterett 241
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell 251
Ammunition, Ballistics and Components by Holt Bodinson 254
Ballistics Tables '96 260
One Good Gun
My Little 284 Mauser by Bob Bell 126
My First Model 70 by Mike Thomas 128
My Diadmondback Is a Jewel by John Haviland 129
The Cadet and Me by John Malloy 131
American Arms' Escort by J. B. Wood 194
Daisy's Pair of Fun Guns: PowerLine 400 & 2001 by J. I. Galan 196
AMT's DAO 45 by M. L. McPherson 199
B-Square's Mounts by Paul Scarlata 200
Kahr's K9 by J. B. Wood 202
Intratec's CAT-9 by J. I. Galan 204
Shooter's Marketplace 266
Autoloaders 311
Competition 341
Double-Action Revolvers 351
Single-Action Revolvers 362
Miscellaneous 367
Rifles – Centerfire
Autoloaders 371
Lever & Slide Action 377
Bolt Actions 381
Single Shots 398
Drillings, Combination Guns, Double Rifles 403
Rifles – Rimfire
Autoloaders 405
Lever & Slide Action 408
Bolt Actions & Single Shots 409
Competition Centerfires & Rimfires 415
Autoloaders 422
Slide Actions 427
Over/Unders 432
Side-by-Sides 443
Bolt Actions & Single Shots 447
Military & Police
Blackpowder Guns 452
Single Shot Pistols 454
Revolvers 457
Muskets & Rifles 461
Shotguns 476
Air Guns
Handguns 478
Long Guns 485
Warranty Service Center Directory 497
Metallic Sights 509
Chokes & Brakes 512
Scopes & Mounts 513
Scope Mounts 523
Spotting Scopes 527
Periodical Publications 529
Arms Library 531
Arms Associations 550
Directory of the Arms Trade
Product Directory 553
Manufacturer's Directory 570
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