Gun Digest

Gun Digest Annual TOC: 1985

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The Gun Digest – 1985

 Table of Contents
Guns and Gunfire on TV Tube and Movie Screen by Konrad F. Schreier, Jr. 6
Getting a Grand Slam on Turkeys by Dwain Bland 12
The Miquelet Lock by Major Noel Corry 20
Bear Rifles by Ray Ordorica 28
What One Box of Ammunition Can Tell You by David Leestma 34
The Funny Guns and Gear of the Western East Draw Game by Bob Arganbright 39
The Extraordinary P.O. Ackley by Lester Womack 46
Ye Olde Gunsmithing Tools by M. L. Brown 52
The Story of a Rifle by Ken Waters 61
Fred Adolph's Gem by R. P. Stepien 64
Rifle Review by Layne Simpson 66
Black Powder Review by Rick Hacker 72
The Gun That Followed the Famous Webley .455 by Wilfrid Ward 76
Scopes and Mounts by Bob Bell 86
How To Love A 22 by Sam Fadala 94
You Can Shoot 90% On Wild Birds . . . Sometimes by Stuart Williams 102
Thirty Million Handguns by L. R. Wallack 107
Big Guns and Small Game by Joseph S. Krieger 113
Handguns Today: Sixguns and Others by Hal Swiggett 116
Handguns Today: Autoloaders by J. B. Wood 123
An Unmatched Pair by Ken Warner 129
Managing The Muzzle-Loading Shotgun by Toby Bridges 132
The Modified Airgun by J. I. Galan 137
Aerial Targets: Safe Again by Dave Reynolds 142
Handloading Update by Dean A. Grennell 146
The Mountain Rifle Question by Ken Warner 156
The New Takedown by Ken Warner 160
Great Guns and Accessories in full color 161
Little-Known 22 Pistols of the Post-War Era by Charles E. Petty 169
Middle Ground Deer Rifles by Francis E. Sell 176
The Unhappy Hunting Ground by Sidney Du Broff 181
Shotgun Review by Ralph T. Walker 188
Some Selected Shotguns by Ken Warner 193
John M. Browning: The Man And His Patents by D. A. Tomlinson 195
Another Brownings's Rifle by Robert K. Sherwood 206
The UnColts: U.S.-Made Pistols of 1911 Pattern by J. B. Wood 211
Make Mike a Sidehammer Rifle by Jack Lott 216
Testfire: Kleinguenther K22 Rimfire 222
Testfire: Dixie's Trade Gun 223
Testfire: Legal Pistol Stock 224
Testfire: Powder-Powered Pellet Rifles 225
Testfire: Kimber's 223: The Model 84 226
The Shows of Europe by Raymond Caranta 228
Art of the Engraver 230
E. C. Prudhomme's Engraving Project by Sid Latham 232
Custom Guns 234
Ammunition, Ballistics and Components by Edward A. Matunas 237
Ammunition Tables 248
Shooter's Marketplace 252
The Complete Compact Catalog 263
Handguns – U.S. and Imported 273
Rifles – U.S. and Imported 316
Shotguns – U.S. and Imported 366
Black Powder Guns 397
Air Guns 418
Chokes and Brakes 436
Metallic Sights 437
Scopes and Mounts 440
Periodical Publications 449
Arms Library 451
Arms Associations 465
Directory of the Arms Trade 467
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