Ryan Cleckner

Ryan Cleckner is a a former special operations sniper and author of the Long Range Shooting Handbook. His latest projects include an online course to help people get an FFL (rocketffl.com) and qualify for a CCW permit valid in over half the country (rocketccw.com). Visit his page at ryancleckner.com.

Precision Shooting: Get Ready To Run Your Bolt-Action Rifle

‘Running the gun’ is not exclusive to carbines and handguns. The same principle of staying topped-off and ready should apply to bolt-action precision rifles as well.

Which Focal Plane Is Right For You?

Choosing the right riflescope can be challenging. One of the first decisions you must make is deciding between a first or second focal plane scope.

How-To: Improve Accuracy With Minor Scope Adjustments

Improved accuracy can be a simple as a few scope adjustments to improve your view and relieve eye strain.

Ballistics Basics: Holding Or Dialing For Drop And Windage?

There are two methods of correcting for elevation and windage when shooting at extended distances — holding or dialing. The choice is yours.

Bullet Trajectory: The Effects Of Humidity

Although it’s the least impactful of the three environmental variables, humidity does have an influence on your bullet’s trajectory.

8 Steps To Better Long-Range Accuracy

Long-range shooting can be complex, but mastery of shooting fundamentals, effective practice and good habits still contribute most to long-range accuracy.

Ballistics Basics: The Effects Of Air Temperature On Bullet Flight

In the long-distance shooting ring, air temperature plays a much bigger role in ballistics than simply how comfortable you are while shooting.

Ballistics Basics: Addressing Air Pressure On Bullet Flight

At extended ranges, air pressure alters bullet flight — and impact — more than you might think.