Stage 1: Mike's Blind
When it comes to a shooting competition, there are few as fast-paced as the Smith & Wesson International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) Indoor National Championship.
The shooting competition puts participants through 13 stages, each with its own scenario challenging the judgment, speed and accuracy of the pistolier. It is no walk in the park with some of the shooting competition's more difficult stages pushing shooters to their limits.
The 2014 chapter of the shooting competition had some of the nation's top handgunners strutting their stuff Feb. 20-22, at the Smith & Wesson Shooting Sports Center in Springfield, Mass.
Results for the competition are HERE. Unfortunately, there are few bleacher seats for the fast-paced competition, in turn not many get the opportunity to watch the championship unfold.
Smith & Wesson, however, gives a shooter's eye view of what it's like to throw shots down range in a series of videos from the championship. This is only a taste of the grueling shooting competition, but it gives a pretty solid idea of what each competitor is faced with over the course of three days.
I’m suprized that the muzzle blast didn’t ignite the down…….