Tom Givens

Tom Givens is a contributor to Gun Digest.

Why You Should Carry A Concealed Weapon

Whether you already carry a concealed weapon or are thinking about starting, here are some bulletproof reasons supporting why it’s a good idea.

Honing Your Situational Awareness To A Razor's Edge

Situational Awareness is your most powerful defensive tool. Treat it that way and enhance it for a life-saving advantage.

4 Qualities Your Concealed Carry Gun Must Have

Don’t ask what is the best concealed carry gun, ask if a particular make, model and chambering have these aspects.

7 Steps To Control Fear And Make Sound Decisions Under Stress

A life-or-death situation is no time to freeze up. Here are 7 steps that ensure you won't.

5 Critical Elements Of A Handgun Training Program

Tacticool instruction might be fun, but it won't make you a more prepared armed citizen. Handgun training should focus on the skills with practical tools that will save your skin.

How-To: Choosing The Right Handgun Trainers

Handgun trainers typically come from a variety of shooting backgrounds. But do these background necessarily make them the best trainers for armed citizens?