Peter Lessler
Peter Lessler is an expert-level graduate of Col. Jeff Cooper’s General Pistol 250 and Rifle 270 courses. He is also a ranked IPSC/USPSA competitor, a Project Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship instructor, and an NRA High Power Rifle competitor. He has previously authored Gun Digest’s Shooter’s Guide to Rifle Marksmanship.
Rifle Shooting Basics: The Long-Forgotten Loop Sling
One of the most useful rifle shooting aids is also one of the most neglected. That is the use of the loop sling. The support and steadiness it provides, when properly used, is enormous.
Firearm Training
6 Handgun Fundamentals You Must Know
Every shot you take, fast or slow, near or far, small or large target, requires the correct handgun fundamentals.
Handgunning: Why Focus the Front Sight?
Improve your handgun shooting speed and accuracy by focusing on the front sight and mastering the flash sight picture. Peter Lessler explains how.