Josh Wayner

Josh Wayner is a Michigan native, active competitor, Grand Valley State University alumni and fiction author.

Frame Material: Metal Vs. Polymer Guns

Guns were once exclusively made of metal and wood, then came plastic. Which should your handgun’s frame be made out of?

Best Compensator Buyer’s Guide (2023)

Looking to tame the recoil of your rifle or carry pistol? Here are 8 top compensator options to consider.

Power Trumps Capacity: A Case For The Self-Defense Revolver

Hi-capacity 9mm pistols are popular right now, but they pale in power compared to the potential of a self-defense revolver.

Choosing The Right Weapon-Mounted Light

The dark isn’t your friend, so here’s how to select the best weapon-mounted light for your needs.

Top Self-Defense Tools That Aren’t Guns

Nothing beats a heater on your hip when it comes to personal protection, but here are the best self-defense tools that aren’t guns.

The Rise And Fall Of The Swiss K31

A look back at the Swiss K31, probably the best service rifle ever made that never saw wide-scale combat use.

She’s Still Garand: Life And Times Of The Mighty M1

A look back at the venerable M1 Garand, America's storied and stalwart service rifle.

Fits Like A Glove: LOK Grips Review

Aftermarket handgun grips can help improve your shooting, and LOK Grips are some of the best available.