James Hubbard

Dr. James Hubbard has more than 30 years experience working as a family doctor. He publishes the number one survival medicine website, TheSurvivalDoctor.com, and is the author of The Survival Doctor’s Guide to Wounds.

Debunked: Thyroid Problems, Fukushima Radiation and Potassium Iodide

Wrong: A report claiming babies born on the West Coast since the Fukushima disaster have thyroid problems, and that everyone should take potassium iodide.

How to Perform Chest Compressions

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform chest compressions. Unlike CPR, this critical first aid skill does not involve artificial respiration.

5 Causes of Hypothermia Not Related to the Cold

Hypothermia isn't always related to air temperature. Here are five causes of hypothermia that have nothing to do with the mercury.

How to Treat a Black Widow Spider Bite

Here's how to treat a black widow spider bite from Dr. James Hubbard, MD. Learn to spot symptoms and know where this spider likes to hide.