What, Ithaca Tactical Guns?! Those words don’t go together dothey? I’m here to tell you that nowadays, with the rebirth of theIthaca Gun company in Upper Sandusky Ohio, they do! The Model 37Defense 12-gauge shotgun is available, manufactured exquisitely onnew CNC machining, all here in the USA. My requested sample has awalnut stock, dark Perma-Guard coating on all metal parts, 3-inchmagnum chamber, fixed 18-inch smoothbore barrel with cylinder bore,and Hi-Viz adjustable rifle sights.
The magazine capacity is 4 shots standard, with a 7 shotextended mag tube model available. Synthetic stocks are available,Ejection on the 37 is down through the same bottom port that thegun is loaded through. For law enforcement use (for which this newgun is an affordable, trim handling alternative to the Remington870), the downward ejection is a distinct advantage during firearmsqualification when you stand shoulder to shoulder in a straightline with your fellow officers. Also, it means that there is onlyone entry point for debris into the action, and not two like onevery other competing model. Quality is absolutely first rate!
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Les Baer Custom
Lots of companies are putting .308 precision rifles on themarket these days, but Les Baer has dropped bomb with a guaranteethat his Ultimate 308 will shoot ½-minute groups with match gradeammo. And you know what? It does.
Like all other Les Baer products this a true custom rifle thatis hand-built for unmatched accuracy and unchallenged reliability.The receiver halves are precision machined from premium7075-T6-51billet aluminum with a trigger guard that’s machined in.The heart of the LBC Ultimate 308 is a Benchrest-grade 416Rstainless steel barrel with cut rifling, a feature that has becomea hallmark of all Les Baer Custom rifles.
Other features include: Picatinny-style flat-top rail, a chromedLBC carrier and LBC precision bolt, LBC precision extractor alsochromed , an LBC steel gas block with picatinny rail on top, an LBCprecision-machined free float handguard with lock ring, an LBCcustom grip, a Harris bipod installed and two 20- round Magpulmagazines. The Geissele two-stage trigger group is trulyspectacular and really does help with accuracy.
If you need a precision auto-loading .308 don’t pass up the LesBaer Custom Ultimate rifle.
O.F. Mossberg and Sons builds some great-and very competitivelypriced, tactical shotguns. Right now, you can get two or more,(depending on the AR you choose to compare against) MossbergTactical Shotguns such as the 590A1 pump with an M-4 adjustablestock, for the price of just one AR-15. I have been working withthe Model 590A1 four-shot pump and the Model 930 8 shotgas-operated semi-auto 12-gauge guns, both in black.
Unfortunately, there are no rail segments on the guns forattaching lights or other options. What you have are just solid,basic, fighting shotguns. Check all of them out at
Tactical Shotgun Resources The Gun Digest Book of the TacticalShotgun
SpecOps Adjustable Shotgun Stock Rem – NOForend
SpecOps Adjustable Shotgun Stock w/forend -Black
Blackhawk! Shotshell Sling