Tacoma, Washington Police Department and the Kimber Pro Carry II – Page 2

TG: Will the Kimber 1911 remain an option for Tacoma PDofficers?

SGT. WADE: The Kimber will remain an option until at least 2013when all Department pistols are due to rotate out (we are currentlylooking at rotating pistols at 10 year intervals). If the pistolselection committee in 2012 selects the Kimber, more than likely itwill be available for officers to select as a service pistol.

TG: How often does Tacoma PD evaluate its duty pistols?What other pistols does Tacoma PD allow its officers tocarry?

SGT. WADE: The Tacoma Police Department evaluates its pistols aboutevery 10 years. Although this time line has been compressed due topistol issues encountered in the past, we are still projecting a 10year cycle. The Tacoma Police Department offers its officers five(5) different pistols to choose from: The Kimber Pro Carry II, theKimber Pro Carry HD II, the Glock Model 21, Model 22, and Model 23.Each Kimber has five Wilson Combat magazines issued and each Glockhas three high-capacity magazines issued.


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TG: What's the policy for whatpistols can be carried on duty and off duty?

SGT. WADE: Officers are allowed to carry off duty (on a voluntarybasis only) as long it meets our department, state, and federalguidelines. All officers are given the opportunity to shoot all thepistols that the department offers and make their choice. They thenreceive a three-day (30-hour) pistol transition training. Onlydepartment-issued pistols may be carried on duty. Personally-ownedpistols may be used for back up guns and for off-duty carry.

TG: What percentage of officers choose the Kimber for dutyor off duty?

SGT. WADE: Over one-third (38%) of the officers picked the Kimberduring the department’s initial pistol transition. Since then, dueto attrition, new officers are only picking the Kimber 11% of thetime. This may be attributed to newer officers having little or nopistol experience, the name recognition of Glock, more manipulationskill required for the Kimber, or the intimidation of the externalsafeties.

TG: What are the advantages of the 1911 over the otherdesigns?

SGT. WADE: As far as advantages, it comes down to personalpreferences. Most officers comment that the trigger press isbetter, if feels better in their hands, and the potency of the .45as a deciding factor.

TG: How have the Tacoma PD Kimbers performed in actual”street use”?

SGT. WADE: Kimbers and Glocks have been involved inofficer-involved shootings. There have been no issues with theKimbers. They function just as reliably as the Glock pistols.PREVIOUS PAGE NEXT PAGE


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