Gun Digest

SHOT Show 2014: OpenfireHD Takes Target Shooting Digital

OpenfireHD digital target-shooting system
OpenfireHD digital target-shooting system
Tired of punching holes in paper? One innovative new product promises to bring your trip to the shooting range to a new level.

OpenfireHD System opens up the possibility of shooting zombies, dueling friends in speed-shooting competitions and thumbing rounds off a moving targets. The sky is virtually the limit with the digital target system with ranges able to program in their own targets, as well.

The system offer shooter reactive targets that respond when shot. So exploding targets actually explode when hit and deer tumble over when nailed with a kill shot.

OpenfireHD System does not rely on lasers or radio transmitters, just good old ammunition. In turn, the system helps shooters hone real-world skills, all while spicing up their trip to the range.

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