Holsters We Love – Page 4

Blackhawk SERPA ShoulderHolster


To this point we’ve only talked about holsters that ride on yourhip. There are lots of reasons for that and I don’t feel likestarting a debate here. But if you want a shoulder rig, theBlackHawk! Serpa has got to be right up there on the list of greatholsters. With its finger-activated locking mechanism and tough asnails construction, there is a reason Serpa has such a hugefollowing. It works.


I let Bruce use the Serpa and don’t figure I will be gettingthat one back. One of the nice features of the Serpa system is thatwith three screws you can move the holster from the shoulder rig toa belt paddle. One holster. Two systems. So easy it is almostscary, but then that is the hallmark of the Serpa holster.Everything about it is easy, tough and secure


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“Of all the holsters, I will take the Serpa system for overallconcealment options and basic carry because of the comfort of apaddle holster and the fact that it is so easy to convert to ashoulder holster. The holster has the best locking system of any ofthe others and is very easy to use. The only downside I can thinkof for that holster is I had to cut excess material off the end tofit my Combat Commander correctly. But in the end that also helpswith the concealment. MSRP: From $48.99 at www.blackhawk.com. The shoulderharness is sold separately for $56.99


As I pointed out at the beginning, this is by no means acomprehensive list of holsters, or even holster styles. This is arepresentative sample of some great looking, very functional gunleather (or Kydex). Any holsters from this list will serve youwell. We tested then and recommend them. Some we tested just didn’tmake the cut and rather than use up space ranting about what didn’twork, I wanted to tall you all the good things I could about theholsters that did work. So, if you carry a gun get yourself a goodholster. You’ll be very happy you did. Previous Page


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